Bootstrap css framework its a revolution in web industry to generate quick and easy responsive device friendly web pages and layouts.bootstrap use bootstraping concept with immense css classes and predifened javascript components and modules
Bootstrap css framework development involves using of essetinal skills HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Jquery to convert existing non responsive layouts to responsive layouts.
After completion of this course students should be able to build their own device/media friendly responsive layout.
Bootstrap theme development course can be opt by freshers , web designers and web developers.
Bootstrap Plugins , Classes , Grid System
Get Bootstrap online from
Bootstrap download with bootstrap folder taxonomy
Bootstrap cdn files from google,twitter or yahoo cdn links
Bootstrap with predefind css classes
Bootstrap with predefined javascript / jquery plugins and modules
Bootstrap with Javascript components
Importance of jquery library in bootstrap theme development
Bootstrap CSS typography for different tags
Bootstrap Images class for image manipulation
Bootstrap Grid System for mobile,desktops,tabs and large screen
Bootstrap Grid System for mobiles with col-xs class
Bootstrap Grid System for tabs with col-sm class
Bootstrap Grid System for desktops with col-md class
Bootstrap Grid System for large desktops /screen with col-lg class
Bootstrap screen/device width range , with differntiation in between col-md ,col-xs ,col-lg and col-sm classes
Bootstrap grid structure with 12 column logic
Bootstrap css buttons with range of size and colours
Bootstrap css helpers
Bootstrap css with container and container-fluid class to design layout
Bootstrap css with row class
Bootstrap css with predefined glymphicon icos
Use of font-awesome icons with bootstrap
Bootstrap css with pull class and push class
Bootstrap css with hidden and visible classes
Bootstrap css vertical and inline forms
Bootstrap css pagination class
Bootstrap css table class
Bootstrap css error,success,warning class
Bootstrap vertical navigaton and horizontal navigation
Bootstrap dropdown ressponsive navigation
Bootstrap Javascript component Accordion
Bootstrap Javascript component Caraousel
Bootstrap Javascript component Modal Box
Bootstrap Javascript component Tooltip
Bootstrap Javascript component tabs
Project development using bootstrap
Generate E-commerce Web template using bootstrap css framework
E-commerce logo with company related navigation links
E-commerce navigation for categories and brands
E-commerce images slider for home page
E-commerce accordion for categories and brands
E-commerce products with grid system
E-commerce products with responsive structure in different devices
E-commerce brands with tabs
E-commerce individual product with modal box
E-commerce individual contact us form with modal box
E-commerce layout test with responsive tool
E-commerce layout test with mobile devices for potrait and landscape orientation
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One of most used css based framework . Bootstrap is used to develope responsive websites