Jquery Framework Training Course

60 HRS

Javascript based framework

Jquery is one of the easiest and best javascript framework developed by john resig. do more and write less is most suitable punchline for jquery. javascript has many library but jquery is best choice for developers

jQuery is a library that makes it faster and less demanding to construct JavaScript website pages and web applications. Frequently with jQuery you can compose a solitary line of code to accomplish what might have taken 10-20 lines of general JavaScript code.

jQuery is itself composed in JavaScript, and comes as a solitary .js record that you connect to from your website page. Your JavaScript code at that point gets to the library by calling different jQuery capacities.

jQuery isn't a dialect, however it is an elegantly composed JavaScript code. As cited on official jQuery site, "it is a quick and brief JavaScript Library that improves HTML archive navigating, occasion dealing with, vivifying, and Ajax cooperations for fast web advancement."

Keeping in mind the end goal to work with jQuery, you ought to know about the nuts and bolts of JavaScript, HTML and CSS

  • Attribute
  • Attribute Equals,Does not Equal , Begins with , ends with
  • Attribute contains,contains word,prefix
  • Element at index , greater than , less than ,first ,last, even element
  • Odd element , Is parent , Contains text , has element , visible,Hidden
  • Header Element , Animated
  • filter() , not() , has() ,eq() ,first() , last() ,slice()
  • find() , children() , parents() , parentsUntil() , parent()
  • closest() , offsetParent() , siblings() , prev() , prevall()
  • prevUntil() , next() , nextAll() , nextUntil()
  • add() , is() , end() , andself() , map() ,contents()
  • attr() (getter , setter)
  • removeAttr()
  • css() (getter,setter),
  • height() (getter,setter),
  • innerHeight(),
  • outerHeight(),
  • width() (getter,setter),
  • innerWidth(),
  • outerWidth().
  • offset() (getter,setter),
  • position(),
  • scrollTop() (getter,setter),
  • scrollLeft() (getter,setter)
  • hasClass(),
  • addClass(),
  • removeClass(),
  • toggleClass()
  • html() (getter,setter),
  • text() (getter,setter),
  • val() (getter,setter),
  • replaceWith(),
  • replaceAll()
  • prepend() , prepandTo(),append(),appendTo(),wrap(),wrapAll(),wrapInner()
    li>clone() , empty() ,remove() ,detach() ,unwrap()
  • bind() , unbind() , one() , trigger() , triggerHandler() , live() , die()
  • ready() , load() , unload() , error()
  • mousedown() , mouseup() , click() , dblclick() , toggle() , mouseover() ,
  • mouseout() , mouseleave() , mouseenter() , mouseleave() , hover() , mousemove()
  • focus() , blur() , change() , select() , submit() , resize() , scroll()
  • mousedown() , mouseup() , click() , dblclick() , toggle() , mouseover() ,
  • mouseout() , mouseleave() , mouseenter() , mouseleave() , hover() , mousemove()
  • focus() , blur() , change() , select() , submit() , resize() , scroll()
  • mousedown() , mouseup() , click() , dblclick() , toggle() , mouseover() ,
  • mouseout() , mouseleave() , mouseenter() , mouseleave() , hover() , mousemove()
  • focus() , blur() , change() , select() , submit() , resize() , scroll()
  • mousedown() , mouseup() , click() , dblclick() , toggle() , mouseover() ,
  • mouseout() , mouseleave() , mouseenter() , mouseleave() , hover() , mousemove()
  • focus() , blur() , change() , select() , submit() , resize() , scroll()
  • mousedown() , mouseup() , click() , dblclick() , toggle() , mouseover() ,
  • mouseout() , mouseleave() , mouseenter() , mouseleave() , hover() , mousemove()
  • focus() , blur() , change() , select() , submit() , resize() , scroll()
  • show() , hide() , toggle() , slidedown() , slideup() , slideToggle() , fadeIn() , fadeOut()
  • fadeTo() , animate() , stop() , delay() , queue() , dequeue() , clearQueue()
  • $.noConflict() , $.size() , $.get() , $.index() , $.each() , $.grep() , $.makeArray() $.noConflict() , $.size() , $.get() , $.index() , $.each() , $.grep() , $.makeArray()
  • $.inArray() , $.map() , $.merge() , $.unique() , $.extend() , $.trim() , $.param()
  • $.isArray() , $.isFunction() , $.isEmptyObject() , $.isXMLDoc() , .data() , removeData()
  • $..browser , $.support.boxModel , $.support.cssFloat , $.support.hrefNormalized
  • $.support.htmlSerialize , $.support.leadingWhitespace , $.support.noCloneEvent
  • $.support.nocloneEvent , $.support..objectAll , $.support.opacity , $.support.scriptEval
  • $.support.style , $.support.tbody , .length , .context , .selector,

Note: All Functionalities will be used in Project.

Get a Free Demo lecture on Jquery Training

For Details Call On : 9619 404 202 , 9619 404 225

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