NodeJS , MongoDB , MySQL & Express Training Course
35 HRS
NodeJS , MongoDB ,Express JS and Angular JS
Node.js is an open-source server lees runtime environment off the rack on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine.
It provides an event determined, non-blocking (asynchronous) I/O and cross-platform runtime environment for building fully scalable server-side research by JavaScript.
Node.js boot be secondhand to build antithetical types of applications one as bully line application, World Wide Web application, real-time imply application, REST API server etc. However, it is mainly hand me down to build incorporate programs love web servers, redolent to PHP, Java, or ASP.NET.
Node.js was examination paper and approved by Ryan Dahl in 2009.
Node.js is an open-source context under MIT license. (MIT uphold is a casual software authorize originating at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).)
Uses JavaScript to build full server particle application.
Lightweight context that includes prove minimum modules. Other modules cut back be included as using the crave of an application.
Asynchronous by default. So it performs faster than at variance frameworks.
Cross-platform frame of reference that burble Windows, MAC or Linux
Node js with fundamentals
- History of Node JS
- introduction to node js
- installation of nodejs on different platform ( windows , linux and Mac OS)
- Node Js and V8 Engine
- Node Js with Gobal Objects
- Node Js Functions as Expression
- Node Js Custom Modules
- Node Js Require()
- Node Js Module Patterns
Node js events & file handling
- Node Js Event Emitters
- Node Js Reading and Writing Files with Synchronous Pattern
- Node Js Reading and Writing Files with Asynchronous Pattern
- Node Js Creating and Removing Directories
- Node Js Server and Clients
- Node Js Create Your own Server with user defined ports
- Node Js Streams and Buffers
- Node Js Reading and Writing Streams
- Node Js Pipes
Node js with Express Framework
- Node Js Embed With HTML Pages
- Node Js Embed With JSON data
- Node Js Routing
- Node Js Package Manager (npm)
- Node Js package.json file
- Node Js with Nodemon package
- Node Js With Express Framework
- Node Js With Express Routes
- Node Js With Ejs Template Engine
- Node Js Templating
- Node Js Middleware
- Node Js Query String
- Node Js POST Request
Node js ,Mysql Database and Mongo db
- Node Js with NoSQL ( Mongo DB )
- Node Js with MySQL
- Node Js CRUD ( Insert , update ,delete , Select )
- Node Js Cookie Parser
- Node Js Session
- Node Js with body-parser (For Passing JSON and url-encoded Data)
- Node Js with multer ( For File Uploading)
- Node Js with Mongo DB
- Node Js with Mangoose
- Node Js with Express JS
- Express JS Overview
- Express JS Enviorment
- Express JS basic Hello World
- Express JS render()
- Express JS send()
- Express JS basic Routing
- Express JS Routing with parameters
- Express JS Routing with HTTP Methods (get,post,delete,put)
- Express JS Routing with complex url building
- Express JS Routing with Middleware ( use() , set() )
- Express JS Static Files
- Express JS with cookie parser
- Express JS with session
- Node Js with Jade Template Engine
- Node Js with Mysql
- Node Js with Mysql Connection
- Node Js with Mysql Disconnection
- Node Js with Mysql Insert Using Forms
- Node Js with Mysql Select and Show in Table Format
- Node Js with Mysql Delete Records from database
- Node Js with Mysql Edit / Update Data Using Forms
- Mongo Db Installation
- Mongo Db Path and Mongochef
- Mongo Db create and drop database
- Mongo Db create and drop collections
- Mongo Db insert
- Mongo Db query documents
- Mongo Db AND OR Condition
- Mongo Db update Documents
- Mongo Db Remove Documents
- Mongo Db Selecting fields
- Mongo Db limit,skip and sort
- Mongo Db indexing
- Mongo Db Aggregation
- Mongo Db backup and restore
- Node Js based Ecommerce Project
Get a Free Demo lecture on Node JS Training
Node js is server side javascript language. MEAN Stack is one of the most used by industry
For Details Call On : 9619 404 202 , 9619 404 225